A special wine-tour in the renovated, but not yet opened
Rácz Fürdő (Rácz Bath)
Nagy Sebestény and the Borjours
invites you to taste the best wines strictly from the Carpathian basin. If you pay for the entry, you can try all the wines, so don''t miss it - and bring a towel!
Bakator, Budai Zöld, Sárfehér, Kéknyelű, Ezerjó, Irsai, Turán, Cserszegi, Csókaszőlő, Kövérszőlő…and of course Furmint, Hárslevelű, Olaszrizling, Kadarka, Kékfrankos!
A way too long list already, and we''ve just started. The list of wines you can try is nearly around one hundred - and we haven''t mentioned yet, that you can buy them for a special price there!

And if you get tired of wines, you can have a sightseeing in the feshly renovated parts of Rácz Bath - and that means the
turkish baths