We all succumb to sinister urges sometimes, and when such decadent cravings strike us here in Hungary’s capital, there is no shortage of legitimate establishments to visit for indulging in several of the seven deadly sins. From high-stakes gambling to lustful ogling to unorthodox smoking, we explore a few destinations for dissolute diversions.

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Not long ago, Budapest was liberally sprinkled with small gaming parlors full of slot machines, but such businesses were outlawed nationwide in recent years – however, the capital city still features a pair of full-service gambling palaces complete with live dealers and one-armed bandits. Follow the bright neon lights nearby Vörösmarty Square to find the Tropicana Casino, a welcomingly kitschy jungle-themed institution of big-time betting, featuring roulette tables, blackjack, Texas hold ’em poker, baccarat, and more. Meanwhile, Tropicana’s more upscale counterpart is located just a few steps away, near the Chain Bridge – Las Vegas Casino offers all of the same games as the Tropicana amid a more sophisticated setting within one of the city’s finest hotels. Both casinos are open 24 hours every day, and guests must be 18 years old and present a passport on their first visit; wagers can be made in forints or euros, with a maximum single-bet stake of two million forints or €10,000.

Tropicana Casino: 1051 Budapest, Vigadó u. 2
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Las Vegas Casino: 1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István tér 2
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Strip Clubs

Unlike casinos, Budapest has no scarcity of nightspots starring exotic dancers, but prospective patrons should always approach such places with utmost caution here – many unsuspecting fellows have learned the hard way that several of the city’s “gentlemen’s clubs” are actually clip joints where customers are charged extraordinarily exorbitant prices for a single drink, with full payment enforced by hulking bouncers. Fortunately, a few Budapest strip clubs are safe to visit without fear of falling victim to a rip-off scam: downtown Pest’s P1 and P2 are the most popular locales for looking at lovely ladies in various stages of undress while sipping potent potables (both featuring plush facilities for lap dances), while 4Play Lounge is a newly renovated voyeurism venue offering excellent drink specials, and Marilyn Night Club is another longtime favorite for randy revelry. One more tip – don’t take a taxi to any Budapest strip club, as cabbies often demand kickbacks from management.

P1: 1054 Budapest, Podmaniczky Frigyes 2/B
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P2: 1051 Budapest, Sas u. 9
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4Play Lounge: 1065 Budapest, Nagymező u. 49
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Marilyn Night Club: 1082 Budapest, Baross u. 4
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