From Italy, with love!
Italy in Budapest. Thanks to the following places we can enjoy a real Dolce Vita at home with ham, mushroom and pepperoncino. These restaurants all work with authentic Italian ingredients and they also deliver pizzas all the way to your doorstep. They are not the cheapest places in town but quality has its price.
Porcellino Grasso
Porcellino Grasso delivers food within 5 kilometers from the restaurant. If you live further than that, it will cost you 400HUF. Their Margherita is 1490HUF; prosciutto Parma is 2190 HUF, the one with mozzarella and eggplant topping is 2590 HUF. Even if we order from them for the first time they surprise us right away with a 10% off coupon as a gift that we can use in Porcellino and 57 Restaurant. Here we can choose from a list of 15 different pizzas.
Address: 1024 Budapest, Ady Endre utca 19.
Phone number: 06-20- 310-15-53
Open: 12:00-24:00
Il Trezo Chercio
This restaurant is famous for its good quality even among the real Italian places. Fortunately, we don’t have to leave the house if we want to try something on their menu, they deliver pizzas to the 5th, 6th, 8th, and 9th district for free. The minimal amount of money you have to spend on an order is 1000 HUF but it’s not a problem, even Margherita is more expensive (1650 HUF). Prosciutto di Parma is 2450 HUF and Maialona, our favorite (with mozzarella, bacon, ham, frankfurter, hot salami) is 2350 HUF. In Terzio, even the selection is remarkable. They have 22 kinds of pizzas.
Address: 1074 Budapest, Dohány utca 40.
Phone: 06-1-354-07-88
Delivery: 11:00-22:45
Trattoria Venezia
They deliver their friendly prized pizzas to the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th and the 13th district. Those who live in Buda have to pay 300 HUF more, which is okay if we keep in mind that a Margherita is only 1090 HUF and the Prosciutto di Parma is 1290 HUF. They offer more than 10 different pizzas; their specialty is the one with porcini, Venice sausage, bufala, mushroom-cream for 2850 HUF. Fortunately we can’t get disappointed here.
Address: 1085 Budapest, József körút 85.
Phone: 06-1-235-09-55
Open: 11:30-24:00
They key word is family tradition in Bocanova. You can order pretty pizzas from them to the 14th, 15th, 13th and the 7th district. You can’t order for less than 890 HUF, but even their Margherita cost more than that (990 HUF). Just to compare, it costs only 1150 HUF with ham on top, however we think you should try the one called Bianco topped with real tomato, mozzarella, zucchini, eggplant, spinach leaves, black olives for only 1190 HUF. Of course, there is a lot more to choose from; they have about 30 pizzas on the menu.
Andress: 1142 Budapest, Kassai tér 14.
Phone: (06 1) 220-0-210
Pizza, coke and fries
Pizza was born as a traditional Italian trademark but by today it has become the most popular food if it comes to food delivery. Every year billions of people decide to order pizzas when the get hungry. It’s not a surprises considering how cheap, nutritious and easy-to-make these round delicacies are. There are many restaurants in Budapest that offer pizza-like foods, however they don’t really think about the traditional Italian ways. They use local ingredients and they run their businesses according to the local needs.
Pizza Forte
Quick and free delivery sounds like a good deal, but if we read the menu carefully where they have transferred the price of the gas. A 32cm Margherita with the usual topping costs 1300Huf, just like its ham version. Among the many specialties they offer a list of “Chicago Style” pizzas with extra thick dough. The toppings on these are not different from the non- “Chicago Style” ones, but their price is between 1600 HUF and 1800 HUF.
Phone: +3613888-888
Delivery: 10-23:15
Pizza Casa
Pizza Casa has a remarkable array of pizzas on their menu. Most of them have nothing to do with the famous Italian traditions but it’s not really a problem. We can get everything in three different sizes: 30cm for the babies, and 45-60cm ones depending on how hungry we are. The prices here are quite wallet-friendly. Margherita costs 790/1690/2850Huf depending on the size we choose, and we can also get it with ham for the same money. The most expensive pizzas are also quite affordable. For example the one called Hústorony (meat-tower) is packed with the famous Pick salami is only 999/2090/3390Huf. Unfortunately they only deliver in the 11th, 12th, and 2nd districts, but they have lots of surprises for those who order regularly.
Open: 10:00 — 22:00
Those who like Marxim are lucky because the restaurant also has a pizza delivery service. Unfortunately their routes lead only to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd districts. Considering the prices, Marxim is a really good choice, their Margherita pizza that comes is two sizes (23-32cm) cost only 850/1190 HUF. The traditional pizza with ham can be ours for 890/1250 HUF; the maximum amount of many that we can spend on a pizza here is 1490 HUF but for that price we can have Marx’s favorite with lots of turkey, sheep cheese and bacon. Don’t worry, doesn’t matter when we order form here, it will always be the same.
Address: 1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus utca 23.
Phone: +361-316-0231
Delivery: Monday-Thursday: 12:00-1:00, Friday-Saturday: 12:00-2:00, Sunday: 18:00-1:00
Pizza Manufaktúra
They categorize their pizzas into 4 groups: “Spicy hot”, “Seafood”, “Fruits” and “Other”. It’s quite evident what the Spicy-hot category is about: hot paprika and chilly; pizzas with fruits are weird but nice; those pizzas that we know from everywhere else goes in the “other” group. Margherita (Margit) here is 590 HUF and the classic Pizza with ham is 650 HUF. The more special and expensive pizzas are, of course, got the “Seafood” label; everything on this list is about 950 HUF. They say that the delivery doesn’t take more than 40 minutes, which sounds very friendly. As another hidden cost, you have to pay 90 HUF for the pizza box.
Address: 1092, Budapest, Erkel utca 9.
Phone: +361-210-1267, +3620-374-0198
Open: Monday-Saturday: 10:30-22:00, Sunday: 17:00-22:00
Delivery: 21:30-ig
Update: The delivery service is no longer available since 2017.
Pizza Eataliano
Just like the wordplay “Eataliano” the pizzas on this restaurant’s menu is quite creative. If we want something simple we can order a Margherita for 1390 HUF, but we can’t find Pizza with ham anywhere. What we can buy instead is a pizza called “New York” with sausage, tomato sauce and mozzarella on top for 1590Huf. We can also try traditional Neapolitan tastes if choose something from the “Pizza Calzonis” or we can get a rustic, crunchy “Pizza Rusticana”. There’s also a healthy section on the menu: pizzas with whole wheat dough like Quattro Carni will make us feel good for 1950Huf, but if we don’t want that option we suggest you try the sour creamy options by clicking on “Pizza Bianche”. If money matters, we should get the restaurants “daily pizza” from 890Huf. They deliver only in the 1st, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 13th and partially in the 2nd, 3rd,9th, 11th, 2th, 14th.
Address: Budapest, VI. Andrássy út 41., Budapest, V. Vécsey utca 5., Budapest, I. Batthyány tér 6., Budapest, V. Dorottya utca 6.
Phone: 06 1 354 54 54
Delivery: Between 11:00 and 23:45