Table of Contents
- 1 / 10 - Barka Állatsimogató
- 2 / 10 - Budakeszi Wildlife Park
- 3 / 10 - Kertvárosi Tanyaudvar
- 4 / 10 - Pákozdi Pagony Vadaspark & Arborétum
- 5 / 10 - Piczinke Póniudvar
- 6 / 10 - Pónifarm
- 7 / 10 - Pónikaland Minifarm
- 8 / 10 - Seholsziget Élménypark/Alpaca Farm
- 9 / 10 - Szigethalmi Családi Vadaspark
- 10 / 10 - Törökmezői Kis-Állatpark
Budakeszi Wildlife Park
Wildlife Park is a popular and well-known destination, but if you
haven't been there in the last couple
of years,
there have been quite a few changes. In addition to the interactive
trail and games, playgrounds built by the Ilona Mill Workshop,
the adventure park and the farmyard at the entrance, there
were other
new additions
during the shutdown.
Eight new animal runs and birdhouses were built, the forest-themed
playground was expanded with additional elements, and a barefoot
trail was also created. Together with the Dino Park next door, you
can plan a whole day’s activities. Twilight visits
are also planned on Friday evenings in July from 6pm, when you can
tour the game park with a Hungarian-language guide. Immunity
Certificates are required for over-18s.
Wildlife Park, 2092
opening hours: Mon-Fri
9am-5pm (Fri tours in July from 6pm), Sat-Sun 9am-6pm
22, 22A and 222 from Széll
Kálmán tér to Szanatórium utca (Vadaspark), then a 15-20min
signposted walk