If there’s one good practice that the epidemic has forced many to adopt, it's that people are now accustomed to ordering products from smaller domestic producers instead of large chains. This allows shoppers to support Hungarian farmers, and help create and maintain a more environmentally conscious supply chain. The fruit and vegetables are delicious and, best of all, seasonal!


Falusi kosár

You can support the producers of Bokros village and other farmers of the Southern Great Plain by buying through falusikosar.hu or browsing their goods at Tündervirág Mozgás Kuckó in District XVII. On the website, you can choose from a wide variety of food categories, fruit, vegetables and the staples, even organic flour, cress and flowers.



Agricultural engineer Boldizsár Horváth was previously involved in production at the Csoroszlya Farm in Szár, then switched to the logistics side with Farm2Fork. In addition to retail orders, the aim is to connect Hungarian small producers with top restaurants (SALT, Hilda, Rosenstein, Arany Kaviár), to introduce the farm-to-table approach as widely as possible, which is based on the freshest flavours and as little transport as possible. In addition to what’s on the shelves of the zero-waste shop, you can pick up domestic fruit and vegetables from three other locations in Budapest.


Itt a szezon

This is like a village local who tells you where, what and from whom to buy. Fresh fruit and vegetables, often sold on the day of picking, are delivered to your table from controlled farms as part of a limited but seasonal range. On the site, you can choose from home-processed, finer-than-delicious fermented vegetables, spreads, jams and cordials, grouped according to producer. Favourites include the smoked trout and other products by Igazgyöngy Alapítvány in Tahitótfalu, which go to support a good cause. You can pick up your order at several locations around Budapest at agreed times.


ne pazarolj

Born from the idea of two childhood girlfriends, this store focuses on the issue of waste-free households. Currently, you can not only consume locally in this small café, but also use the store as a pick-up point, ordering Farm2Fork vegetables, various seeds and flours in package-free containers, as well as children’s books and environmentally conscious kitchen utensils. Other local products are also free of chemicals and additives, and do not contain palm oil. The variety at this shop by Bem tér is constantly being added to.


Neked terem

In addition to the usual fruit, vegetables and other produce at Neked terem, you can also sign up for one of their many food packages. When ordering these boxes, you purchase pre-assembled ingredients that can be easily incorporated what you usually find in any family kitchen. They can deliver within anywhere in District III or Foxpost takes care of your parcel. If, on the other hand, you don’t have time, you can also order ready-made meals created from controlled ingredients.


Pancs Bolt

Few may know that small-batch producers' market Pancs also distributes through its online shop to popular locations. A smaller range of fruit and vegetables is available, plus jams, flour, sweets and wine.


Szatyorbolt - Pest (Closed)

The Szatyorbolt network has been operating in Budapest for more than a decade. This year, goods are being delivered by bike to four collection points in Budapest, reducing the carbon footprint. On offer are quality domestic food and ingredients for cooking, but you can also order pre-prepared packages at fixed prices, depending on the season. In addition, you can choose from a variety of environmentally conscious cosmetics and cleansers made from natural ingredients. You can also support a children’s camp run by Szatyor by buying a basil plant.



You’ll enjoy your eggs more if you know that they come from happy Hungarian, free-range hens. This is guaranteed by YouTyúk, where the eggs are laid for you by the hens you’ve already selected online – these are then delivered to any one of 13 collection points.