Mátra Borozó
Unforgettable for several reasons. For example, the best black pudding in the city can be found here. Also, here’s the best price/quality ratio when it comes to pálinka. Their wine will make you a stupid drunk and hung over, or so we were told by our expert. Gábor, the bartender seems to be stern and some need years to force a smile out of him. We succeeded in only a couple of visits. Ancsa, the other bartender, is indeed very kind. Sadly, there’s a plasma screen in here, too, that’s on all day and all night. Cigarettes are no more sold. The customers are very diverse. Gábor informs people in advance when he has fresh black pudding or sausages and it’s advised to reserve a table for lunch to taste them. We paid 350 HUF for two spritzers and a hot sandwich. This might not be a good indicator as the low sum warrants us to presume that a sort of regular discount was given to us. We’d sure as hell deserve it.
The cheapest wine: 75 HUF/dl