Here is the second part of the young Hungarian designers.


USE Unused

The three designers of USE unused made their debut in 2004 and they have been working together since then. This talented triumvirate takes part in New York Fashion Week regularly and has important customers from Las Vegas, Berlin and Helsinki. They are characterized by innovative, artistic thinking that returns in their modern, downtown-style clothes. Ashley Tisdale wore one of USE design.

Since the summer of 2017 the brand is no longer existing.


Je Suis Belle

Je Suis Bellemeans ‘I am Beautiful’ in French. Who wants a better name? Dalma Dévényi and Tibor Kiss probably thought the same when they started to work together. Easiness, feminine elegance and playfulness rule their designs that are for pioneer and extravagant women where personality is important. The designers try their best to re-define and re-explain stereotypes and create something really unique.


Szegedi Kata

Kata Szegedi is one of the youngest of Hungarian top designers. She is committed to innovative, modern design. Those cosmopolitan ladies who are proud of their independence and personality should definitely visit her shop. She is the prophet of suggestive colors, shapes and patterns.



Nubuis representing a delicate urban style that follows progressive, classical and clear cuts in design. Besides women and men wear, we can find special pieces designed for children such as sleeping bags, sweaters, blankets and stockings. Colors and shapes are moderate, and clothes can be purchased in Mono stores.


Es-tu un Ange?

Es-tu un Ange?The question is: Are you an Angel? If you are thinking of the trademark of Natali Rideg, we will absolutely say YES. We would like to be angels and fly inside her creations. Natali clearly says that she wants to earn a living from her collections and she creates in the cross-section of an artist and a crafts(wo)man. In her first collection in New York, we saw jeans with batik work, overalls, coats, elaborate mini dresses and unique flowers and belts as accessories.


Giorgia Fonyodi

Giorgia Fonyódiis the second biggest surprise of year 2010. She studied in London, Hawaii and gained knowledge in Budapest’s best schools. She is said to be a ‘materializer’ of luxury, style and quality, and made her debut with three different collections inside which she thinks and creates in a parallel way.