VinCE Budapest
returns for the sixth time with a program worthy of a real show. 25 of the biggest names on the international winemaking scene will showcase unique wine lists at Central Europe’s most prestigious
professional winemaking event
. The weekend will kick off with the
VinCE Awards
gala on March 6, where prizes will be distributed in ten categories. The master courses will discuss the trends of the winemaking world and legendary winemaking regions. Visitors will be able to sample the items of 150 selected exhibitors and wineries with a minimum rating of 4-5 stars in the elegant halls of the
Corinthia Hotel
Approximately 100 international experts, among them eight special
Master of Wine
guests, outstanding winemakers and sommeliers, wine writers and specialists will arrive in Budapest on the first weekend of spring,
March 6-8
. At the grand event, the Hungarian winemakers that have proved their worth during the preliminary test of
VinCE Magazine
will also get the chance to introduce themselves to these distinguished guests and the public. Visitors with a daily ticket can taste
about 1,000 wines at more than 100 exhibitors
in five-star surroundings, and participate in the halls of Corinthia Hotel in a total of 22 1.5-hour thematic workshops spiced up with special wines. Additional mini-courses will take place at the VinCE Bár.