On the last weekend of September, children's literature will be in the spotlight in Újbuda. The Újbuda Children's Book Festival is being organised by the B32 Galéria és Kultúrtér, involving many publishers and performers, whose common aim is for children and families to get to know the wonderful wide range of children’s books in Hungary. There will also be great activities for young and old alike: a pocket theatre production by the KACs Workshop, a concert by Csirimojó Kiadó, a creative introduction to the city for children by Tea Kiadó, a book presentation by Pagony, Pepe at Nursery, a theatre performance and several concerts. Edina Lovászi, Bori Rutkai and her band, Réka Farkasházi and Tintanyúl, and the Hahó Ensemble all play.
