Ai Wei Wei to Banksy
, we can see art engaging policy and the political sphere. But in an increasingly connected world where cultural production is ever more easily disseminated, how can this engagement be most effective and meaningful?
The CEU School of Public Policy
’s 2016 annual conference focuses on a series of questions that are not often asked in the world of government or academia.
How do
engage with issues in

? How do artistic representations of issues change how they are perceived? Can artists promote wider public engagement in policymaking? How do artists challenge ideas in their societies and to what end? How does humor intersect with politics, censorship, and violence?

Focusing on Hungary, India, Mexico, Sudan, and Syria, we are seeking a truly global perspective on issues including democracy, drugs, migration, violence, and censorship.

Join for this year's annual conference featuring artists, filmmakers, and writers including Khalid Albaih, Charlotte Eagar, Reyna Grande, Meena Kandasamy, Dirar Khattab, Issam Kourbaj, Valeria Luiselli, Eduardo Rabasa, Abby Robinson, Bryan Lewis Saunders, and William Stirling.