Extraordinary programs, spectacles, insider secrets, and games await visitors at 30 theaters on September 17th, at the
Night of Theatres
Participating theatres: Baltazár Theatre, RS9, a Sanyi és Aranka Theatre, a Turay Ida Theatre, Vidám Színpad, Átrium Film-Theatre, Bethlen Téri Theatre, Budapest Operetta Theatre, Budapest Puppet Theatre, Duma theatre, Játékszín, József Attila Theatre, Jurányi Inkubátorház, Karinthy Theatre, Katona József Theatre, Kolibri Theatre, Madách Theatre, Hungarian State Opera, MU Theatre, Örkény István Theatre, Pesti Magyar Theatre, Pince theatre, Radnóti Miklós Theatre, Rózsavölgyi Szalon Arts & Café, Ódry Színpad, Szkéné Theatre, Thália Theatre, Trafó, Új theatre, Víg Theatre.
Turbina Christmas Design Market
Saturday, 14 December 2024 1.00pm - 7.00pm