Magic Mic Comedy is hosted by Lőrinc Réti and Sid Moorthy, two crowd favourites in the local stand-up scene, who have been developing comedy in Budapest. They’ve partnered up with the Erasmus Student Network at ELTE university, and are going to be bookending their first season on 10 December at the Mika Tivadar Mulató.
This special showcase will be headlined by Máté Safranka, one of the best comedians in town, who is leaving Hungary to further his career in Sweden. Featured acts Furcifer from Iran, Karyn Dietrich from the USA and Kitti Nagy from Hungary, are also no strangers to keeping audiences entertained.
The event will be in English and is free of charge, but donations are welcome.
Turbina Christmas Design Market
Saturday, 14 December 2024 1.00pm - 7.00pm