On 27 November, the animation department of the Moholy-Nagy University of Arts presents this year’s Master diploma shorts. The MOME Anim Grafix print, zine and comic exhibition and market will take place at the same time, at the Toldi Klub.
Diploma works:

  • Boglárka Ászity: Our Sleeping

  • Éva Darabos: Bye Little Block!

  • Zoltán Debreczeni: SOLA

  • Ágnes Győrfi: Windbreak

  • Melinda Kádár: The Wellspring And The Tower

  • Lili Korcsok: Homeosztázis

  • Natália Azavedo Andrade: Thorns And Fishbones

  • Judit Orosz: Out There

  • József Simon: BIOM

  • Anna Szöllősi: HELFER

Films screen in Hungarian with English subtitles, or in English without subtitles.