During Japanese Film Week at Toldi Cinema, you can watch 1950's classics from the golden age of Japanese film history. The black and white movies by two iconic directors of the era, Ozu Yasujirō and Mizoguchi Kenji tackle human dramas. Movies will screen in the original, with English subtitles and optional Hungarian voiceover. Tickets are available at Toldi Cinema.
- June 4th, 6.30 pm: Tokyo Story, director: OZU Yasujirō
- June 5th, 6.30 pm: Sansho the Bailiff, director: MIZOGUCHI Kenji
- June 6th, 6.30 pm: Floating Weeds, director: OZU Yasujirō
- June 7th, 6.30 pm: The Crucified Lovers, director: MIZOGUCHI Kenji
- June 8th, 6.30 pm: Flavor of Green Tea Over Rice, director: OZU Yasujirō