The symbolism of the legend of
 (“Yedikule Fortress”) appeared several times in Hungarian cultural history. For Hungarians, the folk culture, collective memory and creativity of the Carpathian Basin, as well as its buildings and spiritual legacy, are the real treasure.  

The locations of the festival, starting in
 Budapest, Makó, Kolozsvár, Tiszapéterfalva, Debrecen, Kakasd, Lendva, Újvidék, Siófok, Kassa.

10:00-19:00 Makovecz and the nomadic generation - conference

19:30 Opening ceremony of the Héttorony Festival, and the presentation of the best plans for the architectural competition Jelterv.

20:00 Szalóki Ági és barátai concert

21:00 Dűvő band and Kubinyi Júlia concert