Get a few slammers, secretly add a famous film, and spice it up with improvisational actors. If it’s boiling, serve it in two acts. In the joint performance of the Grund Theatre and the SlamPoerty Hungary the slammers will slam, the actors will play, and the audience can try to guess which the chosen film is. During the brake, the tasty snacks will serve as hints.

  • Slammers: Tamás Gábor 'Indiana', Ádám Bencsik 'Ponza', István Zoltán Csider, and István Pion

  • Actors: Sára Luca Boncsér, Dávid Fodor, Attila Ferencz 'Patak' , and Brigitta Arany

  • Music/Sounds: Bence Csobay

  • Host: Andrew Hefler

  • Producer: Eszter Borda