Tweed Run
is a metropolitan bicycle ride with a bit of style. The Budapest group will cycle together for the 16th time this year on April 29, within the frameworks of a costumed bicycle parade and competition. (Photo: The event’s Facebook page.)
What to wear?

- the old-fashioned style of the '20s and '30s, e.g. tweed trousers with a waistcoat, shirt, bowtie and a flat cap, additionally a mustache and a smoking pipe

- for ladies: tweed costume, flapper, charleston attire

Competition categories:

- Tweed lady and gentleman

- Creative category

- Vintage category (1910-50s)

- Vintage bicycle

- Retro bicycle  

Contribution fee:
1500 HUF/person

- with pre-registration: 1000 HUF/person

- entry for the competition by category: 1000 HUF/person