Readers of The Guardian had their say, and unveiled the places that left them feeling inspired. The list spans from Georgia to Switzerland and rages from ancient ruins to contemporary art. Among these distinguished destinations, the House of Music Hungary, an architectural gem and a 'musical treat' nestled in Budapest's City Park, earned a well-deserved spot. It now stands proud among attractions such as the Roman amphitheatre in Mérida, Spain, Hadrian's Wall in the UK or Hamlet's Kronborg Castle in Helsingør, Denmark.

'The spectacular House of Music is in Budapest's beautiful City Park. After going through the mushroom-like main entrance, you find a museum dedicated to the history of music. From the beginning of music to the modern day via Gregorian chanting and Hungarian folk, the House of Music is a fascinating place. With a superb audio guide, and for just 1,000 forints (£2.25), it is well worth a visit' – says the article.

Opened at the beginning of 2022, The House of Music Hungary has become one of Hungary's most beloved cultural attractions, drawing over 1.3 million visitors up until now. It will come as no surprise that it is also among the most Instagrammed buildings in Budapest – just look at its playful roof and nature-inspired design. See how you can experience this cultural gem firsthand – plan your visit here.
(Cover photo: Márton Koncz - We Love Budapest)