Regular Budapest comedy show Magic Mic is back on 12 March, this time supporting the humanitarian issue of Ukraine. “Comedy is good for the soul, and it’s our duty to make the world a better place in any way we can,” say organisers. The stand-up night at the Aussie-themed Down Under Bar features internationally renowned American comedian, Erin Crouch, who talks to We Love Budapest about her debut show in Budapest.

Organisers of Magic Mic are reviving their culturally diverse comedy nights, this time in support for Ukraine, in collaboration with human rights association, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee. The venue, Down Under Bar makes the point very clear as besides takings at the door, the money paid for every vodka shot (Ukrainian-brand, of course) and for their house beer will all be donated to Ukrainian refugees.

The lead artist of the evening, Alaska-born Erin Crouch, will be travelling to Budapest from Kaiserslautern, Germany, where she regularly performs to the local Americans. The US comedian will be headlining, supported by local performers, Dániel Said and Rebecka Vilhonen.

Performing to Europeans

“I hope the Budapest audience is different from German ones. Sometimes it’s a bit hard to make them laugh,” giggles Erin.

Rehearsing for her charity event, Erin commented that she hopes people will be more interactive. She also told us that preparing for a comedy show involves plenty of creativity and script writing, especially if you're in front of your regular crowd. The key factor is that the jokes should be relatable.

“Performing to a new audience means that I can’t use jokes related to my neighbourhood in Germany or American associations…”

So, her topics will feature everyday concepts such as family, job, relationships and anything relatable to the majority of Europeans. Erin is a part-time comedian, holding down a main job, likes to follow her passion and perform every so often at different places. Hopefully, this is only the beginning of her Budapest career, as she would be happy to be back sometime soon.

“I’m looking forward to visiting Budapest, based on its reputation, it’s a great city to spend some time in,” says Erin.

Being a young mum, she hopes that she can show the city soon to her 11-year-old son and husband.

“The reason why I chose to keep doing comedy as my hobby is that it’s not a family-friendly profession as it involves a lot of touring and being on the go…”

However, travelling to Budapest from Germany cannot be compared to commuting from her native Alaska to Kaiserslautern. She also revealed that in the future she would be keen to do comedy nights in Russian as she had done so before a couple of times.

Hopefully, as Erin’s journey with comedy continues, the city can welcome her once more, alongside her family for more stand-up shows.

Event information

Magic Mic Comedy Presents: Erin Crouch + Special Guests
Down Under Bar
1066 Budapest, Ó utca 37 
Saturday, 12 March, 8pm
Admission: Advance HUF 3,000. On the door HUF 4,000 
