The muralists at Színes Város and the crew behind tour specialists, hosszúlépés. járunk?, have combined to transform the wall of a former military academy into a colourful gallery of Hungary’s favourite cartoon characters. Vuk the fox, Lusta Dick and Grabowski from Macskafogó, and other revered figures were painted to celebrate the work of the nearby Pannónia Film Studio.

The Pannónia Film Studio, the home of world-class Hungarian animation filmmaking, is located on Hűvösvölgyi út, where a series of masterpieces has been made in recent decades. Some of the creators not only did their work in Buda, but also lived in the area.

A few of their famous characters now decorate a wall along nearby Pasaréti út, opposite a playground. Alongside Vuk the fox, Lusta Dick and Grabowski, there’s still room for the Mézga family due to be painted soon. With these main figures already in place, the mural could be unveiled on Children’s Day last weekend.
