With 14 April being the 71st birthday of renowned writer Péter Esterházy as well as Hungarian Prose Day, the local council and cultural magazine Óbudai Anziksz have created 40 unique posters around Óbuda, displaying Esterházy quotes chosen by contemporary writers and poets.
For a month from today, 14 April, locals in Óbuda can peruse street displays showing the best-loved quotes and previously unpublished photos of celebrated author Péter Esterházy, who has lived there all his life.
The black-and-white images are the work of Áron Erdőháti, taken in 2015 at Írók Boltjá on Andrássy út. Óbuda has launched an PE71 campaign, with postcard-sized copies of the 40 posters being offered as gifts with each coffee at the Esernyős Café on Fő tér.