“When covid-19 came, I felt I wanted to do something,” says Ksenia. “I’m making a few sculptures and installations, but these can take months. I want to say my word immediately, so I decided to use my mugs and advocate actions we truly need.”
The mugs are simple yet beautiful – cool, steely grey, clean and precise, as marks Ksenia’s works. The words stamped into the surface echo what we all have heard so frequently in the past weeks: stay home, wash your hands, self-isolation, and “Semmelweis was right”.

“I was always impressed by commemorative ceramics,” says Ksenia. "They tell a story and spark conversation. “Now we live in an age of internet and media, so you don’t see these kinds of mugs as much any more.”
She continues: “We have to take care of the older generation, they are our beloved parents and grandparents, and I believe we can all get through this safe and sound. I want us all to live long and happy lives. And when our grandchildren point at one of my mugs, they will ask about self-isolation and quarantine, and we will tell them our story”.

These mugs “will tell them how once we were one unity and faced a tragedy with honour and respect to each other. And we won”.
The mugs are available via Ksenia's Instagram account, and the first ones will be ready this Friday, 27 March. As the studio is closed during the pandemic, mugs will be posted out to customers.