The Budapest Pride Festival is a month-long extravaganza set up to celebrate LGBTQ culture and to generate support. More than 100 events, including concerts, performances, talks and workshops, will feature before the festival is brought to a colourful conclusion by the grand parade, the Budapest Pride March on 6 July.
More than 100 events will entertain Budapest’s LGBTQ community for June's Pride Festival, which also shines a light on the need for a more accepting and understanding society. The main attraction remains the grand parade, when a rainbow-coloured crowd embarks on a procession through downtown Budapest, playing liberating music.
The procession normally spans City Park and Kossuth tér by Parliament, the crowd marching all along Andrássy út, the city’s showcase avenue, while music plays and people parade in costumes. After the procession, an alfresco Rainbow Party awaits revellers at Budapest Park. For more details and the full schedule, check out the Budapest Pride website.