Ziggy Marley, eldest son of reggae legend Bob, is giving a concert at Budapest Park tomorrow. We caught up with the eight-time Grammy winner before the show.

Author, philanthropist and reggae icon Ziggy Marley crossed paths with music at a very early age. He was only ten when he watched his legendary father record songs in his studio, joined the band on tour and appeared on stage at the legendary One Love Peace concert in 1978. A year later, alongside siblings Sharon, Cedella and Stephen, he formed his first band, the Melody Makers – a big dream of Bob Marley who sadly did not live to see it unfold.

The Melody Makers were successful, but in the early 2000s frontman Ziggy decided to go solo. He released his first album, Dragonfly, in 2003 and since then, has proved himself more than worthy of his father’s name and legacy, earning eight Grammy awards and fans all over the world. Just before tomorrow’s upcoming concert, We Love Budapest caught up with Ziggy for an interview.

“I’ve been to Budapest once before and I'm really looking forward to coming again. I love walking around and exploring,” said Ziggy, who plans to set aside time to see the splendid Hungarian capital.

Concertgoers tomorrow can expect real Rasta vibes to fill the park as Ziggy’s positive flow and energy pour from the stage and sashay through the crowd. All-time favourites – including a few tracks from his father's legacy such as One Love – and newer songs from Ziggy's acclaimed latest album Rebellion Rises, should feature.

Rebellion Rises is one of Ziggy’s most accomplished works and delivers his message to humanity that love is everywhere: “Love is in everything and everyone, regardless of religion and beliefs. We all just have to find it... I feel there’s a better side of humanity that needs to show itself more so the world can be a better place if we stand up for it. The rebellion does not go against something, it is for something,” is how Ziggy describes his philosophy.

Ziggy manifests this message in a heartfelt album cover, a photo of him and his son on the beach: “That wasn’t planned at all. We just took that photo and I knew I wanted to use it. There is something in it. I'm not yet quite sure what, but there is something immensely important in it. I love that photo and it works”.

And when we ask Ziggy about his view on reggae music in 2019 he simply says: “It’s eternal”.  Enough said.

Tickets for Ziggy Marley are still available on the Budapest Park website.