As longtime fans of Zsolt Vidák, we have already featured his series depicting the Széchenyi Bath and life in Budapest. This time, it has taken the artist five weeks to complete his drawings of the Anker Palace and its surroundings, a locality he passes every day. Depicting this early 20th-century landmark wasn’t the easiest task, with its many dazzling details, so the end result is not precisely true to life. The drawings also feature the adjacent Madách House, a favorite of the artist. According to Zsolt, the most essential accessories in the drawings are the crowds and traffic that create the buzz you find here every morning. However, other characteristic elements such as trees, advertising columns, taxis, oversized posters, buses and trams sprinkle the scene with humor and wonderfully vivid colors.

Zsolt graduated from the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in 2008. He went on to become internationally acclaimed, his works published in major underground magazines and displayed in numerous exhibitions abroad. Since 2005, he has also been a regular stamp illustrator for the Hungarian Post Office. Zsolt lives and works in Budapest, constantly strolling the streets and making a picture about whatever triggers his talent, be it a century-old building or a slightly tipsy ticket inspector. Zsolt’s artworks are available for purchase on his website.