The Hungarian National Gallery’s increasingly popular “Museum+” series aims to encourage the public to enjoy this edifying institution less as a formal treasury of Magyar-made artworks dating back centuries, and more as a living establishment fostering modern-day culture by highlighting assorted aesthetic achievements from ancient history through contemporary times. While visitors are encouraged to admire the exhibitions during “Museum+” evenings, they can also enjoy creative presentations and tasteful offers centered around a certain theme, further enchaning their intellectual spirit.
During the first of autumn’s “Museum+” events beginning at 6pm on September 14th, various elements of avant-garde creativity from past and present are brought together through varied programs. An English-language guided tour begins at 6:15pm to showcase aspects of 19th-century Hungarian art, while a dance performance fills the museum’s grand Dome Hall at 7pm, and the Párniczky Quartet plays an hourlong “Bartók Electrified” concert beginning at 8:30pm – and throughout the evening, guests are welcome to enjoy delicious glassfuls from Hungary’s Dubicz Winery.
Entry to “Museum+” evenings costs 2,800 forints; for complete details about the September 14th event, check out the official Hungarian National Gallery website. Looking ahead, upcoming “Museum+” evenings include events focused on folklore (October 12th), retro (November 16th), and Christmas (December 14th).