As another step forward in the revolution of virtual reality, 360°pictures are becoming more and more popular, due to the wonderfully wide assortment of cutting-edge technologies available. The fresh website Kolivri specializes in taking 360° panorama pictures and videos, and now – as we found out from Digital Hungary – we can take a virtual tour at the world-famous ruin pubs of Budapest. These pictures are very useful for first-time visitors to Hungary’s capital, as it helps the process of picking out a perfect binging place – but discovering never-before-seen details of these one-of-a-kind hangouts provides an interesting experience even if you already had a few pints at these ruin pubs.

Kolivri shared the photos of ten ruin pubs, including Szimpla Kert, Fogas Ház, Liebling’s roof terrace, Mazel Tov, Anker’t, and Ellátó Kert. Upon clicking on the picture of a place, the image comes to life as the camera angle slowly starts to spin, but you can take control over the image with your mouse, and check out details that you wouldn’t ordinarily notice while sipping on drinks, such as the bicycle hanging from the ceiling at Ellátó Kert. Click here to see the photos.