The revolution of new-wave coffee houses significantly benefited Budapest’s coffee culture, but despite this, there is still plenty of demand for the classic java. The recently opened 9Bar would like to affirm their commitment to coffee not only with experimental specialty brews, but with classic, high-quality Italian coffee, as well.

Even though the café, located near the Basilica, is not wary of using stove-top coffee makers, and doesn’t necessary believe in fancy, all-knowing coffee machines, they still utilize most recent coffee-making methods, including V60, French Press, Aeropress, and Chemex. The result: characteristic, good coffee – the kind we could sip on for hours anytime, whether we’re meeting friends or business partners.

Nonetheless, they still have light-roasted coffees, so that they can serve everyone’s needs.

In terms of prices, 9Bar falls into the middle category: an espresso is 450 forints, while an Americano costs 500 forints. In addition to the coffees, they also have sandwiches (690 HUF), cakes (690 HUF), and croissants (390 HUF) made on site, and in good weather, they also offer freshly squeezed juices.

We asked them about the café’s name as well, which is an interesting coffee-related historical reference: in 1956, the mass production of piston-driven espresso machines began. The machines spread rapidly, alongside a new, almost revolutionary coffee-making procedure. This new technology allowed baristas to make coffee under 100°C/212°F (90-92°C/194-198°F) and with large pressure – usually 9 bar.
Obviously, the proprietors of 9Bar put a great deal of thought into everything they’re doing, and we think their dedication will be rewarded with a steady flow of regular customers. 9BAR
Budapest 1065, Lázár Street 5.