In less than one hour, you can travel from the Magyar metropolis to a pleasant hilltop playground for skiing or snowboarding, and current conditions are quite good. While Visegrád’s Nagyvillám ski resort may not be challenging enough for hard-core winter-sports fanatics, anyone looking for an easygoing day-trip of gravity-powered gliding will discover a delightful athletic destination here with panoramic views over the Danube Bend.

Located near the peak of a miniature mountain just east of Visegrád, the Nagyvillám ski resort might best be described as a beginner’s slope, yet the majestic beauty of its surroundings makes this an appealing place for visitors of all skill levels, and its proximity to Budapest provides an easy way for city dwellers to enjoy some active wintertime fun with minimal travel. The top elevation here is only 377 meters, but even during a mild winter like this one, Nagyvillám’s runs are high enough to maintain natural snowpack long after the precipitation of powder, enhanced by the facility’s artificial-snow machines.

At the base station, Nagyvillám provides everything needed for low-key skiing and snowboarding, including reasonably priced equipment rental. Because the slopes aren’t exactly extreme, this is a popular place for children to learn the basics; while this can cause occasional crowding on the hillside, families and youth groups are generally gone by mid-afternoon, and since the two main pistes are illuminated by bright lights until 9pm (and 10pm on Fridays and Saturdays), there are plenty of times when you can enjoy the entire run all to yourself.

The two primary slopes open all winter long are 250 and 150 meters long, but when conditions allow it, visitors can start from the top of the peak and choose between a steep 250-meter descent or an undemanding 500-meter-long woodlands track before rejoining the main runs. Additionally, a series of ramps awaits up-and-coming daredevils who want to attempt some aerials.

Unfortunately, there are no chairlifts at Nagyvillám – for the two main pistes, cable lifts with back-support bars propel chill athletes uphill, while the biggest lift is the type where you must place a disc between your legs to be dragged skyward. This may not pose much of a problem for forward-facing skiers, but snowboarders can find using these types of lifts to be more challenging than the downhill descents, since they must travel uphill sideways… however, attentive staff members are always quick to stop the lift if someone falls along the way.

Of course, the base station includes a cozy hut for warming up between runs over low-priced drinks (including beer and spirits) and tasty hearty dishes like goulash soup and fried chicken. While drying out gloves and hats on the surrounding radiators, guests can admire the view over nearby Visegrád Castle at the crown of an adjacent peak.

To reach Nagyvillám ski resort, drive north from Buda towards Szentendre and continue on main road 11 until soon after passing the riverside village of Szentgyörgypuszta (if you enter Visegrád, you’ve missed the turn) while looking for the “sípálya” sign on the left side of the road, and there take a left uphill; snow tires are necessary for the slippery road up to the base station, but a highway pass is not needed for this journey. For a full-day lift ticket along with ski or snowboard rental, visitors can expect to pay approximately 10,000 forints. The facilities open at 9am every day during the winter season, and snow tubing and sledding are also available here if conditions allow – check out the official website for more details, a resort diagram, and multiple live webcams.