Every frontispiece tells a different story, and that story is told through geometrical forms, the adventures of titans, herbal motives, surreal faces, little angel-figures - Atlas holding Uranus on his shoulders is just the tip of pillar.

Yesterday sunshine hit us, and we went on a sight- and frontspieceseeing tour and came back with loads of photos to show you!

VI. Ó street 19.

VI. Hajós street 23.

V. Szabadság square 8-9.

V. Szabadság square 8-9.

V. Szabadság square 8-9.

V. Szabadság square 8-9.

V. Szabadság square 8-9.

V. Szabadság square 11.

V. Szabadság square 10.

V. Honvéd street 3.

V. Aulich street 8.

V. Aulich street 8.

V. Báthory street 12.

V. Báthory street 12.

V. Báthory street 20.