Gellert Hill

Feel your heart pump as you ascend the hill then feel it skip a beat when you behold the panoramic breath of the Danube river and the city pulsing alongside it. Follow the peace of the trail up into woods. Select a park bench, listen to the woods whisper sweet nothings and enjoy looking into the eyes of this quiet lover.Magaret Island

No man is an island so much so that Magaret Island gives those each other in the middle of passionately raging river. Take a silent stroll alongside the water, sit and watch the river's fervor or lay motionless on the grass and simply soak up the moment. Most importantly, transcend the mainland and it's commotion and be stirred within by this sensual river island getaway.7th district

Partake in the seductive, sultry allure of Budapestian nightlife. Get out on the town and trickle through narrow, cobblestone streets being tickled by foot steps of others that are out to play. Find outside seating: sit, sip, smile and enjoy joy.
- Kiraly Street and pretty much any side street off it breaths exotically on you.
- On the corner of Holló and Dob Street there's an outside collection of pubs and restaurants that bubble with buoyancy.
- Lose yourself then find yourself on streets that yield beloved ruin pubs like Szimpla on Kazinczy Street, Fogasház on Akácfa Street and Kuplung on Király Street.

Revel within the multitudes of fresh choices and fall in love with the old country in farmer's markets. Tantalize your senses by purchasing pleasurable aphrodisiacs like strawberries, honey, flowers and everything in between. These independent sellers serve their items with sincerity and gratitude all of which is lost in supermarkets. This is where you can rediscover your love for items prepared with love.
- Szimpla Farmers Market
- Central Market Square
- Lehel Square VIII., Bosnyák Square XIV., Fehérvári Street IX.

There's an unspoken courtship in the below places that whisk you from the modern day back to a time of romance. Take a day trip and date these historic sites that are sure to give you a sensational sensation. These structural sweet spots stem for the places of dreams reminding you that dreams do come true.
- The Erzsebet Look-Out Tower at the summit of János Hill
- Walk about the lake around the Vajdahunyad Castle
- Stroll the walls of Buda Castle