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január 29 at 7:39 PM CET


Late-night coffee at New York Café? Save the date!

From March, you’ll have more time to admire one of the world's most beautiful cafés – the New York Café will stay open late four nights a week.

November 7, 2023 at 4:53 PM CET


Belle-Époque beauty – Dine like royalty at Budapest’s White Salon

White Salon is a mesmerising Belle-Époque restaurant in downtown Budapest.

November 25, 2022 at 4:38 PM CET


A secret oasis under the Grand Boulevard – We tried the Anantara New York Palace wellness & spa

The Anantara Hotel, located next to New York Café, awaits its guests with refreshments, delicious snacks, and a spa and wellness area under the Grand Boulevard.

October 20, 2022 at 10:55 AM CEST

Sights & culture

The New York Palace as a Hollywood movie star – Depictions of Budapest on the silver screen

Our capital city is a favourite location for Hollywood blockbusters, it has played many roles on the silver screen, from Moscow to Berlin to Paris, its stunning cityscape has inspired many directors.

August 11, 2022 at 6:21 PM CEST


Without the past, there’s no future – we talk with chef András Wolf at the Atrium in the New York Palace

Top chef András Wolf of the Anantara New York Palace talks Hungarian bistro cuisine, tradition and innovation.

June 28, 2022 at 4:31 PM CEST


Guest Experience – one night at the Anantara New York Palace

We stay at the scintillating Anantara New York Palace Hotel, one of the jewels in Budapest's crown, now displaying Oriental influences, too.