Only a couple of days after the figure of the lasagna-loving cat Garfield was spotted in town, another famous cartoon character got depicted in a mini sculpture by guerrilla artist Kolodko.
Guerrilla sculptor Mihajlo Kolodko, known for his humorous figurines placed around town, has just left a mini sculpture at the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest.
Urban sculptor Mihajlo Kolodko has just unveiled his latest creation: an old couple who ran a popular flower stall in Pasarét, long gone but not forgotten.
There's another Kolodko in town – this time, the former Roman town of Aquincum, where a legionnaire is now taking a well-earned break with a jug of wine, admiring what was an amphitheatre.
Take a look at the Buda embankment by Margaret Bridge the next time you're passing – you might just see a toy Trabant car, created by guerrilla sculptor Mihajlo Kolodko.
Look out for the little figure of the Skála Kópé the next time you're at Nyugati – it's the latest creation by Budapest's guerrilla sculptor Mihajlo Kolodko.
After famous sights around Budapest, guerrilla sculptor Mihajlo Kolodko has turned his attention to Vác, a quiet Danubian town whose triumphal arch gave rise to regal embarrassment 250 years ago.
Look! It's Franz Joseph! Sculptor Mihajlo Kolodko, known for leaving his figures in apt urban locations, has placed the Habsburg emperor on Liberty Bridge, which he himself unveiled 125 years ago.