The Talamba Percussion Group
, marking 15 years together, takes to the stage with a truly exciting programme. At this jubilee concert, this group of creative young musicians takes to the stage with the most popular music from their 11 albums released so far. Having already appeared to great success at the Palace of Arts with
Rhoda Scott, Jacques Loussier and Russia's Terem Quartet
, Talamba is also preparing for the big occasion with some of its own compositions.

With a host of stars from every genre, a multifaceted experience lies in store for both eyes and ears. There will be something in everyone's preferred musical language:
Hungarian and Balkan folk songs,
African rhythms and classical music alike - all performed in Talamba's own humorous style, proclaiming the philosophy of
László Grünvald, Miklós Szitha, Tamás V. Nagy and Levente Zombor,
wherein all musical genres peacefully coexist.