Exploring the evolution of printed expression amid the 21st century's ever-increasing onslaught of digital media, this event series hosted by
Brody Art Yard
Karin de Jong
from the Rotterdam-based
to present an English-language talk about modern self-publications by diverse types of artists, beginning at 7pm on November 8 at
Brody Studios
. Karin is joined by Hungary's
Zsófia Szonja Illes
- a Budapest-based organization highlighting urban self-sustenance by leading foraging trips to collect wild-growing edible plants - for the launch of the group's new
"Wild Food Calendar"
identifying delicious seasonal flora, illustrated by New York-born Hungarian artist
Mimma Nosek
; the on-site after party features heavy grooves from 
DJ Nova Gravity
. On November 9 from 1pm to 6pm, the public can join the English-language
Green Growing Artist Book Collection Workshop
to create a collaborative publishing project at
Brody Art Yard
 (Pest VI, Vasvári Pál u. 8), with a 6,000 forint participation fee - see 
 for more details.