We all need bags of some sort or another: big or small, casual or elegant. Some consider them to be another accessory, but we believe that a quality handbag is more than that: it is a statement of your personality, it complements your style, it holds and organizes everything that you need, and it even makes your day brighter. We all know that designer purses, clutches, and backpacks aren’t cheap, but all of these Magyar-made bags are great long-term investments in style – and all of them are available in Budapest.

A really young brand that we love for its refined, defined, and strong style. Its pieces lack all things unnecessary, are durable even in everyday use, and are youthful and fresh. The recently unveiled PONS series, markedly symmetrical and horizontal in structure, was inspired by masterpieces of engineering like bridges. The men’s and women’s bags are available only in black and beige. Their character stems from their unique manufacturing technique: all of the bags are folded from one sheet, and sewed in the end for fixing the shape. The natural or black pagoda-tree elements add a lovely finishing touch to the designs.

Stores: Black Box Concept Store, Rododendron Art and Design Shop, Mono art and design
Price: 49,000 - 80,000 HUF

Zsófi Rainer, the designer of the brand, believes that fashion is a wonderful and playful tool for expressing yourself, and that the pieces of clothing and the accessories come to life when worn. In the process of creating the spring/summer collection, she found fittingly playful inspiration in Katharina Roters’ album “Hungarian Cubes”, which collects the painted geometrical patterns of the typical Hungarian countryside homes of the 1960s-1980s. The patterns have made it to the pieces of the new collection through laser cutting and engraving. The clutches, backpacks, and shoulder bags come in the natural color of vegetable-tanned cowhide paired with light pastels. The collection also includes a purse, phone cases, and belts for men and women.

Stores: Béta Showroom – 1111 Budapest, Budafoki út 22., Floor IV., bell 55 (book your visit), Fian Koncept
Price: 45,000 - 79,000 HUF

If you are a perfectionist looking for a durable-but-cool piece, look no further than Judit Takács. It doesn’t matter if you want a bag suitable for business meetings, an everyday purse, or an accessory for evenings out on the town – you’ll surely find an ideal option in her collection, not to mention that you can also choose shoes that match your new bag. The brand stocks a collection of permanent pieces and seasonal collections as well, and we are simply smitten with this summer’s line. The five pieces are modest and natural in daylight, but come to life at night thanks to the fluorescent tags, zippers, and prints in aqua blue, neon green, and orange colors. The slightly sporty backpacks and shoulder bags are named after various luminescent organisms, such as mushrooms, algae, and bacteria, so they also cast light on what a Noctiluca, a Hinea, or a Vibrio is.

Stores: webshop, Open Showroom
Price: about 40,000 - 80,000 HUF



Ilona Ács has been designing for her own brand for 15 years now with unbroken enthusiasm and success. LAONI’s strengths include creating functional and modest pieces with daring materials and tricky details. The brand also offers all of the necessary additional accessories, from keychains through phone cases to card holders. Everything is executed in high quality and in limited numbers. The freshest collection, TATEMONO (“building” in Japanese), was inspired by the minimalist approach of contemporary Japanese architecture: premium materials formed in simple geometric shapes in mild earth tones, with contrasting colors or vivid, youthful hues.

Stores: LAONI la STORE
Price: 50,000 - 65,000 HUF
