Budapest became a real superstar in recent years. It wasn't just included in Hollywood movies - there are tons of videos on the Internet featuring the Hungarian capital, or expressly about Budapest. We shared these restlessly in 2013, and now pieced together a collection of the best videos.


The world's best rope skipper

Bánhegyi Adrienn is an average Hungarian girl, pretty and talented. Her two-minute video got enormously popular throughout the world, even though her rope skipping tricks are hard to catch even in slow motion. The surroundings added to the success too: Adrienn filmed her video at Budapest's most beautiful sights.


Budapest in 4K by Natural Light

This could easily be a video clip, mixing an image film and time-lapse elements. It's a little tourist-y by local eyes, but the images are beautiful and the mood is excellent.


Wizz Air commercial

Wizz Air's commercial summarizes every reason why it's worth to come to Budapest perfectly. But let's be real: the pink, Muppet-like hummingbird is a bit too much. The main event is the city, anyway.


Budapest Timelapse 2013 - NN Photography

Time-lapse can't ever be boring by default, but this video is even more unique than the rest: it was made using 50 000 photographs. 4 seconds of it must have taken about 5 hours to make. Budapest thanks Németh Norbert for his hard work and dedication.


Budapest: Thank you is “köszönöm” 

'Köszönöm' is the first expression foreigners learn upon arriving here besides swear words. It can be useful in any situation, and puts a smile on every local's face (especially when spelled with an accent). Ruszthi Zsolt and Vizkeley Márton's work presents the growing variety of opportunities that attract more and more tourists each year.


Toyota Harrier commercial

Budapest inspires not just travellers and young people. The advertisement industry discovered that filming in the city isn't just cheap, but also worth it because of the overall mood. Among others, the Körút (Boulevard) and Alagút (Tunnel) appear in one of the latest Toyota commercials.


Budapest from a quadcopter

What is a quadcopter, you ask? It's a small gadget with four propellers, ideal for carrying a camera. One was used in the making of this video that shows Budapest from a bird's eye view.


Dancsó Péter - Timelapse

Dancsó Péter's name can be linked to more time-lapse videos, every one of them with beautiful pictures and perfectly fitting music. His video 2013 didn't get popular quickly without reason.

By now, his series has a 2014 version as well: