The art of
Zsófi Pittmann
is so indispensible for the young people of today who grew up with pop culture as the tales of Elek Benedek were to peasant children back in the day: the princes with bloody hands did not become loveable until the storyteller made them less fringhtening, and Jimmy Zámbó and Ica Bíró cannot become part of our everyday lives until we see them on the textile wall covers of Zsófi. Her aim is to bring acclaimed artists, lofty slogans and admired and feared national symbols close enough to the audience so that they can splash cocoa on them, clean them with a vacuum cleaner or cover them in bread crumbs.
Bladerunnaz presents Roni Size, Grooverider, E-Z Rollers, Klute, A Sides (UK)
Saturday, 16 November 2024 11.30pm