Just like last years,
JAK Picnic
helps young poets/writers to debut.
The most promising up and coming hungarian writers
talk about their books, and you can hear some parts of them. The books and the writers:
Bicskei Gabriella: Puha kert
Farkas Arnold Levente: A másik Júdás
Fenyvesi Orsolya: Tükrök állatai
Szil Ágnes: Tangram
Barlog Károly: Maxim
Host: Hercsel Adél, journalist.
DiBonis Schnaps- And Whinehouse
fuels the night.

At 21:00, an intresting crossower, ''jazz poetry'' starts. Gödri Bulcso perfroms her poems, to the music of Dévényi Zoltán and to the improvisations of Pápai Zsanett. (Entry: 800.- HUF. For the visitors of JAK Picnic, the entry is free.)