Király Street
is one of the hippest streets in Budapest today - this is the unanimous verdict of tourists and locals. The passage is located a mere 50 meters from Deák Ferenc Square. Despite being roofed, the passageway has natural lighting and is accessible from both Király Street and Paulay Ede Street.

Community Market (
Közös Piac
) at Gardrób: chocolate, jam, pastries, chilli, syrups and other kinds of goodness sold by Közös Piac’s vendors.

Like everyone else, you surely have heaps of clothing items at home that you have become bored with, outgrew, or have never once worn, but you may think they don't yet deserve to be chucked into the bin.

It is a simple idea really: you bring the clothes, the bags, the accessories and trinkets, and we’ll provide the venue and the community.

Important things to note:

- Please bring only clean, ironed, nice-quality clothes and accessories in excellent condition to the market. The kind of things you yourself would happily purchase.

- You set the prices of the clothes and accessories you are selling, but please make sure to bring your own price tags.

- Feel free to bring your own hangers, stands, baskets etc.

- No more than three people selling at the same table please.

- Table fees: 3,500/4,000/5,000 HUF.