20th Sziget Festival
just started! This is more than just a festival: a place to meet, a place to make friends and fall in love.
is the place to be in the middle of August. Europe’s Best Major Festival is celebrating its 20th edition, promising not just great programs, but also a new visual concept.

This year even the well accomplished
fans will have to relearn the map, as many venues will move to new places and generally there will be a lot of changes. Some venues will completely change, some will disappear and new venues will show up. But the main message is always the same:
is the most colorful and open-minded festival in Europe.

Program on 6th of August:

8.00 pm: Csík Band and Friends
- Today''s world of music is very complex, and not only with respect to genres and styles, but also to the multitude of performers. A very interesting and exciting example of this diversity is the Hungarian
Csík Band
, which has been active for twenty years, and which has been an authentic performer of Hungarian folk music.