The second ZIP night centers around copy(ing)
. The original or the replica. Inspiration/inspiring contra copying. Quantity or quality. Copyright. Bubugao. Tribute. Concurrency. Who owns the original one? Is it worth copying the contemporary art? And so on. Copy this event into your diary.
Host: Molnár Áron, actor.


Ív&Candie: Bugaboo (Slideshow).

Einspach Gábor: 5000 or 2.000.000 dollars - What dictates the prices, when it comes to contemporary art?

Fabricius Gábor: The idea/fiction versus "i have an idea".

5000 vagy 2.000.000 dollár - Mi szabja meg az árakat a kortárs művészeti piacon?

Pocky Demon / KISS Forever Band és Holiday Crüe (Mötley Crüe) tribute and Daw DiSanti / Where Is Cooper (Alice Cooper) and 1992 Fire.Rock.Hell (80-90''s USA Hairmetal era) tribute - What is tribute and what is a cover? - Hungary has a leading position amongst the countries, when it comes to tribute bands.

Bakos-Blumenthal Fanni: how falsification can be re conceptualized in contemporary fashion?