Canned fröccs – a tasty Hungarian spritzer of wine mixed with fizzy water in varied ratios – works very simply, and this is what makes it just great. The delicious drink that consists strictly only of wine (rosé or white) and soda water comes in a stylish aluminum can that we can take with us wherever we wish, whether it is the Danube Shore, Elizabeth Square, Gellért Hill, or a grill party with friends. The half-liter-large can containing wine and soda water in a 1:1 ratio is just fizzy and flavorful enough, and is sold for a friendly price.

Hungarians truly love fröccs, or at least everyone is likely to think so. Whether it is true or not, various versions of this intoxicatingly tasty Hungarian drink are found in almost every bar in Budapest. However, when young groups of friends embark on a night out, they often buy a whole bottle of wine and water in a shop, and then make their own mixture by pouring the drinks into one container.

Bubbles Spritzer, which offers this delicious drink mixture pre-blended in a can, provides a more comfortable alternative to the aforementioned self-mixing. The brand popped up this summer in Budapest, thanks to an American, Jonathan Garber, who moved to Budapest four years ago. Pretty much the first specialty he stumbled upon in Hungary was fröccs, and well, he fell in love with it.

He told us that back then, he started getting acquainted with this Magyar drinking method whilst sitting on the Danube shore in Szentendre, but he just found measuring and pouring drinks from one bottle into another increasingly inconvenient. Therefore, when thinking about starting a company, he quickly came up with the idea of canned fröccs; considering that we drink beer from a can, why would we not drink wine from a can, too? Bubbles Spritzer is easy, practical, comes for a friendly price (400 – 450 HUF), and its ingredients are high-quality. The soda water is filled with just enough bubbles, while the dry white and rosé wines come from Neszmély – a village in Northern Hungary.

The ingredients are present in a 50-50% ratio in the stylish aluminum cans, and there are no twists here. Canned fröccs is available at delis, tobacco shops, and several other stores – see the full list of vendors here.