Continuing the current renaissance of Hungary’s classic “kürtőskalács” (chimney cake), a new Budapest confectionery offers customized versions of the sweet treats filled with whipped cream, fruits, candy, and more. Since summertime, Street Cakes on Andrássy Avenue has been offering filled chimney cakes created according to each customer’s individual cravings, because here everyone can mix and match the fillings and toppings however they like.

A lot of people think that Hungary’s classic kürtőskalács (chimney cake) is only a treat for fall and winter, because when it’s served hot and fresh, the hollow delicacy is best enjoyed during colder months. However, ever since an innovative Budapest street vendor decided to fill chimney cakes with ice cream back in springtime, and the craze started spreading internationally this summer, kürtőskalács is now experiencing a creative renaissance that even includes the invention of savory versions of chimney cake stuffed with meaty fillings.

Still, the sweet version of kürtőskalács remains most popular, and so Street Cakes is now filling this new-wave niche in the Budapest market most thoroughly, as each customer can fill their sugar-coated cake with either ice cream or whipped cream, and then add everything from assorted candy-bar chunks to chocolate sauce. At this point, maybe even our most sweet-toothed readers might feel like they are risking diabetic coma just from thinking about indulging in one of these sugar bombs, but don’t worry – the management of Street Cakes has planned ahead to keep their clientele from requiring medical attention after finishing their customized treat.

The way that the whipped cream is prepared at Street Cakes ensures that it’s not overly sweet, but goes well with the cake; the various ice creams (at the moment they had lemon and blueberry) also have a less-intense flavor. The cones are not huge either: the smaller chimney cake is sold for 400 forints with available base flavors of cocoa, coconut, vanilla, and cinnamon, while the 600-forint versions are a bit larger and made with lactose-free dough.

At Street Cakes, they pay special attention to details; for instance, they make sure that the whipped cream won’t be filled into piping-hot cakes, as it would melt immediately inside of them. Regarding the toppings, there is an abundance of choices, but choosing among them is a burden that’s pleasant to bear. The selection includes Bounty, M&M’s, KitKat, Oreo, MilkyWay, Túró Rudi, and various chopped fruits ranging from grapes to bananas – and if that’s not enough, you can sprinkle it all with some shaved chocolate, and top it off with a sauce.

More restrained guests can choose a variation that is only garnished with fruits, or even an absolutely empty chimney cake, and there are plans to introduce a saltykürtőskalács version around Christmastime. Based on our tasting experience, we would recommend using a spoon when starting to devour these cakes; otherwise no nose will be safe from the whipped cream. However, our initial concern was gone by the last bite, because our systems really weren’t tackled by sugar shock, yet one serving seemed more than enough – although, as we learned, sometimes seemingly satisfied customers immediately order another one.Street Cakes

Budapest 1061, Andrássy Avenue 61