Csendes (you know what’s going on in these brackets: Silent) is a quiet nook during the day, but it goes wild at night. It's an ideal place to study at while sipping a spotted cup of coffee, but after 4PM, sinking your books into the oblivion of your backpack is one of the better ideas. 4PM is the time when the first beers knock on the door, and later on, when the biggest lightbulb you'll ever see (i.e. the Moon) illuminates the night sky, glass-clinking and the constant murmur of chatter take over the place. Put your laptop away, order a glass of rosé, or get your hands on a mind-dizzying shot.
Address: 1053 Budapest, Ferenczy István utca 5.
' target='_blank'>a championship-saving three pointer in the waning seconds of an NBA Finals game. Despite the fact that Ibolya has been up and running since 1968, it is not wholly soaked in the often-pretentious retro vibe. All in all, it’s the perfect place for literature and history students to have their first beer-as-a-meal lunch.
Address: 1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 5.
sing a bittersweet song about being young.
Address: 1085 Budapest, József körút 47.