Five out of four? Four out of three? And one out of seven? Through her newest series IXEK 22 (2019-2020, “IXEK” is the plural of X in Hungarian), Dóra Maurer casts the role of the question-solver to the visitor, and encourages thinking about further possibilities by pointing out the expandable nature of the exhibited series consisting of six works. Maurer exposes her inclination towards mathematics and combinatory when she creates artworks according to a system made up of primary colours, and builds new structures by reordering and layering the red, blue and yellow fields. It requires the observation of details and the intellectual cooperation of the viewer to track the alterations of external and internal forms of these elements. To fully understand these works, not only cognitive actions, but also optical processes have to take place as the artist works with pigments, and the paint fulfils its function through colour perception. However, colour perception is quite relative, and the human eye is able to make visual recognitions only through comparisons and juxtapositions.
