István Ocztos
will talk about his international art projects that he relaunched in 2008 with the help of the internet and social media. His series called
“The Game”
is a set of
“exchange artworks”
distributed and instantly displayed online that reach a wider audience.

The 3rd phase of “The Game” workshops included the 2010 project of rehabilitating firewalls in the Inner Erzsébetváros area with international artworks, with the help of students of artchitecture from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME).
Plans and ideas currently under consideration in the framework of the
“Budapest, the city of firewalls”
project will be showcased.

The introductory screening will be followed by a talk, which will provide visitors with information on how to participate in the work of the “Élő Tűzfalak Erzsébetváros Alapítvány” (Living Firewalls Erzsébetváros Foundation). The foundation’s aim is to make the city more liveable and easier to use, to create real communities, to promote the activity of artists in public places and to facilitate tendering processes.