In 1992 Wayne McGregor founded his own company to have a creative community where he could involve not only dancers, but pioneering visual artists and musicians as well, in the creation of innovative productions. Ever since, the company has never failed to cast a spell on audiences around the world; they will now perform at Trafó for the fifth time. Autobiography is their latest choreography, premiered in London in October 2017. It is a bold and extremely personal piece, for the sake of which McGregor, a science and technology buff, let his complete genome be mapped; what we see on stage is based on the findings.


  • 8pm, April 17, 2018

  • 8pm, April 18, 2018


  • Coreography: Wayne McGregor

  • Music: Jlin

  • Set design: Ben Cullen Williams

  • Lightig design: Lucy Carter

  • Dramaturgy: Uzma Hameed

The event is part of the Budapest Spring Festival.