Opposite Széllkapu Park, the red rose of Margitka beckons across Margit körút. The entrance features two picture windows displaying cool, used but good-quality vintage pieces of clothing, works by domestic designers, retro items and accessories. What you can’t see from here is the small gallery in the back room, lined with contemporary art.
The Margitka consists of three interconnecting rooms. Inside you find a changing room, the central element of which is a beautiful vintage mirror in which you can try out the dress you’ve just found in the shop, the outer room. Between the two is the gallery, where you can sit, relax and view the pictures.
Although the
gallery will feature Hungarian contemporary artists in the foreseeable future, for the first few weeks visitors can see watercolours by internationally acclaimed American artist: Knox Martin. His artworks are the ideal
match for Margitka, their signature rose designed by the master
The life story of Knox Martin is also fascinating: at the age of 99, he was still active as an artist, he served at the Normandy landings and held the title of Mr. America bodybuilding champion and he was also a matador at some point during his long life.
The store itself is also special, especially if you’re looking for unusual or unique pieces, you will like Margitka. Hipsters should find elegance and high-quality brands or local designers such as Alma, Vetlényi, LOZAR, Éniseztérzem, NASHA Jewelry and TE Shoes. At the moment, Margitka is mainly for women, but there are some pieces for men too, with more planned.
The snow-white walls of Margitka greatly highlight the colour of the clothes available here. Of course, there are not just textiles here, you can also find accessories and smaller household items, making the range more diverse. It’s also affordable for the extravagance on offer, top brands naturally pricier.
And if you have your own cool clothes you think someone else would love to wear, you can bring them here, though Margitka doesn’t take everything. Margitka also has its own-brand clothes available, each marked with a signature rose.
Venue information
1026 Budapest, Margit körút 64A
Open: Tue-Sat noon-6pm