A radical proposal has just been put forward at government level to make Budapest’s most popular park, Városliget, free from traffic at certain times of the day. The City Park, a wide expanse of greenery just behind Heroes’ Square, is currently being transformed as part of the ongoing Liget Project. A number of cultural institutions are being set up, including the House of Hungarian Music.

Plans currently being prepared by the Budapest Development Centre, in co-operation with the city’s transport company, BKK, involve closing Kós Károly sétány and Állatkerti körút to cars outside of peak hours, along with focal Heroes' Square. Surface parking would be replaced by a new underground garage on Dózsa György út and the construction of a new P+R car park, possibly located on the outer Hungária körút east of the park. 

In addition, the BDC will start the design of a new road and tram overpass, which would cross over Rákosrendező parallel with Nagy Lajos király útja and Szegedi út, connecting Zugló with Angyalföld. This would relieve the burden on the Hungária körút and could help the traffic coming off the M3 motorway avoid the City Park.
